Evaverse scholarship program is live!

4 min readFeb 7, 2022


The Evaverse has launched its instant and secure NFT lending program for everyone to play + earn.

Let’s all Play + Earn together

The launch of the Evaverse scholarship program brings official support for managers and scholars to participate in our off-chain ticket earning system. Managers can securely and safely grant the temporary use of their NFTs to anyone in-game with the click of a button. The custody of the NFT remains with the manager’s wallet, and the transaction happens off-chain, so it is 100% safe and secure for all participants. The manager can revoke access to the NFT at any time. Let’s take a look at how it works!

How do loaned NFTs work

Press Q or go to Escape -> Loadouts to access this menu

Loaned NFTs are automatically added to your loadouts panel and are shown with a yellow outline. You can also view the percent of earnings associated with playing that NFT.

Every type of Evaverse NFT can be loaned

Every Evaverse game NFT can be loaned using the scholarship system. Players can lend Hoverboards, Gear, Pets, and Avatars. However, only First Arrival Avatars are used to share ticket earnings.

Collecting Tickets are automatically split between scholar and manager during gameplay

Once managers have authorized scholars to use their NFTs, tickets will automatically be shared according to the split set by managers. Every time scholars collect tickets in-game, their portion of tickets will be displayed in the UI.

How to lend NFTs

Press the Lend NFTs button in the Evaverse Account Page

Players can access the Evaverse account page, which contains the Lend NFTs button. This takes you to the Evaverse lending page, which includes every NFT owned by the wallet paired to your Evaverse account.

All Evaverse NFTs can be loaned to other players

You can choose the type of NFT you wish to lend from the loaning page. You can designate the sharing percentage and add additional accounts if you prefer to share with a network of players. Since lending happens off-chain, you must know the Account ID of the players you wish to lend to. Players Account ID is displayed on the Evaverse account page, and in-game in the loadouts screen.

Here’s a list of rules to keep in mind when lending NFTs

  • All Token lending is done by account ID, not wallet address. You can find your account ID on the Account page on the Evaverse website, or in-game next to your name in the loadouts panel.
  • You can add additional IDs for splitting Tickets, but the total split must always equal 100%
  • The minimum % for sharing with a scholar is 50%. We want to honor our scholar's time and efforts and respect the time they spend playing.
  • You can lend any NFT you like, but only First Arrivals affect Account Prestige and Ticket Lending.

Once all the fields have been entered, you may press the Loan Token button. The beneficiary will have instant access to the NFT with the correct percentage of tickets automatically shared between the valid account IDs.

Looking for Scholars or have questions?

If you own multiple Evaverse NFTs and would like to find scholars, then come join our active Evaverse discord community and check out the #scholarship-chat channel to find players who enjoy playing in the Evaverse. If you have questions about this system please visit the #ask-staff channel in discord for support.

Scholarship Roadmap

This is still an early implementation of the complete scholarship system planned for the Evaverse. We will continue to evolve this mechanism and support the growth of new players into the ecosystem as the Evaverse aims to be the most fun and immersive way to play and earn with friends!

Join the Evaverse

To learn more, join the Evaverse Discord!

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Evaverse is a multiplayer social game on Steam built for the NFT communities to come together in a single metaverse world and play games!